Henry has his teletubbies pj's on for the first time, I think Mary passed them on, Thanks! they are a big hit, he is very proud of them, and his belly is just barely staying in. The weekend is quickly coming to an end. Dana was at a wedding yesterday and judging the photo contest at Markham Fair today, so we didn't see much of her this weekend, and I am off to swimming in about an hour.
Yesterday was spent around the house most of the day, cleaning and just playing on the front lawn, for dinner we grabbed fast food and went to TooGood Pond to have a picnic and feed the geese. It was great weather and relaxing just to let the kids run amok up and down a nice big hill, Hannah managed to roll up the hill at one point, and I'm not sure how she accomplished it.

Today, we went to Markham Museum for Applefest, which wasn't the best planning dragging 3 kids in the rain to an outdoor event...it was soggy to say the least. Hannah and Jack made apple heads or something, I missed it as I was chasing Henry, he saw a horse and we were off. After that we went home for probably the final swim of the year, hopefully not, and now all three are having a bedtime snack.
Did anyone from Markham read that article in the Economist about peanut allergies, they had the 2 viewpoints of the ban of peanuts at school, and the writer interviewed a woman who believes that we have to stop punishing the whole student body for just a few kids...Ahh yeah that's a few kids that could die!) What a moron. They show a picture of her, and it's her with a big smile on her face spreading a slice of bread with a huge wad of peanut butter.
Okay, off to swimming soon, 2500 m of swimming doesn't sound so much fun right now - Jason