Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another January Weekend...

I think we all have had enough with the snow here in Markham. We are all patiently waiting for some sunny warm weather - fully expected next week...
More hockey this weekend - back to regular season action. Both boys won their games and played great. Henry was really into it today - racing for the puck and trying to keep up with the 5 and 6 year olds.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Props to Firestarter!

A quick shoutout to Doug who debuted his Monster Truck in the Detroit Monster Jam show this past weekend! Way to go!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

20+ Centimetres!

Enough Already!!! More snow Wednesday.....

Henry's Team!

They lost the semi-final game - but still came home with a medal!! Awesome tournament!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hockey Tourney

Henry's team has made it to the tournament semi-finals with a 7-5 win today!!! He is pretty excited for tomorrow's game! Yippee

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I belong to this user group "" where people post items they're getting rid of and readers reply when they can pick them up. It's all local and some of the stuff is pretty good, especially for people just starting out. People are often getting rid of their appliances that still work, dishes, old furniture, fish aquariums, kids' clothes or a lot of computer monitors. The only problem with it is that I get about 20-30 emails a day so it really fills up my in-box. The only thing I ever got, after months of belonging to the group, was a pair of Mexx pants, but they're nice pants and I like reading all the stuff that's out there. Occasionally there are things posted that I don't think anyone would want, broken computer monitors "for someone who's handy and can fix it", coupons, broken lamps, once a "nasal rinse set" (I don't even want to know what that is). But today's offer was the best I've seen yet!!
"Offer: Turkey Soup Bones & Meat - great for making turkey soup, still some meat on the bones, pick up ASAP"

one to watch...

Slumdog Millionaire - Dana and I went to see this movie last night. Great movie, and no, I'm not just recommending it because we finally went out to see a movie, I was relieved that there were no cartoon characters, no Hannah Montana or Jonas Bros. in this picture.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Testosterone Weekend

I sure missed Hannah this weekend. She was away at Guide camp (which she loved!) and I was home with a houseful of boys. Both boys played in a hockey tournement this weekend so it was hockey, hockey, hockey, Wii hockey, hockey, McDonald's, hockey, mini-sticks, hockey! A lot of rough housing and I even overheard Jason at one point suggesting to Henry that he "shoot the puck with a lot of force, not like a little, a little" (I thought no, he's not going to say it) "...girl". That was the final straw!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Some Christmas Photos

We are pretty excited to be able to post video with the digital camera the kids got for Christmas from Granny Gwen! Thanks, Granny Gwen! We'll post more video soon!
The kids went back to school today and boy did I miss them! They were excited to see their friends again and for the most part, excited to be back.
So now I'm just sorthing through some of the Christmas photos and found a few that never got posted:

Friday, January 02, 2009

Henry earns points

I made a very mediocre casserole tonight...the kind that I hated eating as a kid...using up a lot of leftovers. Hannah & Jack of course shuffled it around their plate and asked if they had eaten enough to get dessert. Henry finished his plate and announced, "I bet this is a better meal than any other kid is eating." Then he really won my heart by adding, "Mom, can I get the recipe so that I can make this for my kids when I'm bigger?" !!!


Jack and Hannah's piano recital at Nan and Grampa's.

and Henry...doing....something....

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year Everyone!