Saturday, September 10, 2011


This happens this same weekend every year...Jack's summer and winter sports collide.
It is the playoff weekend for baseball, a sport Jack has played all summer at a very non-competitive level. This is also the weekend of Jack's first tournament in hockey, a sport Jack plays more competitively through the fall/winter and he's their goalie! We're lucky it's a local tournament so often we can fit it all in (poor tired Jack) but when 2 games are at exactly the same time, it's a tough call. We weigh all the factors in making our decision: which would Jack rather play? (often he can't decide). Will this game eliminate the team from further games? Will the team suffer without him? He started baseball and I always think should finish it with his team, but Jason feels that hockey is way more expensive and at a more competitive level and that his team counts on him more as their goalie. So last night the decision was made that he would miss baseball to go to his first tournament hockey game. His baseball team was not short players so although they would miss him, it wouldn't be detrimental. I was at a wedding so couldn't be there for the game...turns out the other goalie for our team played the whole game!! They take turns and I had assumed it was Jack's turn in net!! Next time I will ask!! Oh well, this morning Jack played an awesome game in net, their team won 4-2 and we're off to a baseball game followed by a...oh no, will it be hockey or baseball? They're at the same time this afternoon!

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Back to School!

Yippee! It was time for some routine around here...first day went off without a hitch and 2 out of 3 kids got all their friends in their class. The other has met a new friend already and has a fantastic teacher so I'm looking forward to a great year!

Now if we can just get me into a school!