Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy (belated) Birthday, John!

So we went to Windsor and had our Christmas with Jason's family - 10 kids and 9 adults! It was great! Thanks so much to Ann for hosting, cooking, and generally entertaining the whole crowd of us! Dinner was great, everyone had an AMAZING time and I give all 10 kids credit for being really well behaved! Ann was also the one who had my name and she gave me a great book that I'm half way through already, "The incident with the dog in the night-time". Also a really nice sweater and camisole! I think I can be hard to buy for, but she really picked things I would have bought myself (if I were so indulgent!) Thank you, thank you!

It was another short visit, we left after the kids got out of school on Friday and were home by 11:30 Saturday night. I was pleasantly surprised that the kids slept on the way home...that's always the idea, but it doesn't usually happen. They were exhausted though. We spent Friday night at our friends Doug & Nancy's place and I don't think the kids were asleep before 11 but that didn't stop them from getting up at 6! The adults went to bed MUCH later since we were introduced to Guitar Hero!! Yeah, we loved it! Thanks to you guys too!

So today felt a lot like Boxing Day, tired and rainy and the kids were entertained with their new gifts...do we really do this all over again in 2 days?!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

For all parents....

Our house is full of coughing, sneezing kids and adults - hoping this all goes away before Christmas...

Dana, using her motherly instinct, bought some medicine for Jack the other day - Buckley's...yuck - poor Jack he didn't know what to think, tears, screams of "it's burning me!"...then asked "why are pine needles good for me??"

If you ever had Buckley's you'll know exactly what I mean. It does have pine needles in it or something like that, awful awful stuff - hey...but it works.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Still Snowing....

Enough Snow Already....

Mountains of snow here in Markham today, and it's not done yet...

Friday, December 14, 2007

quick update

I'm feeling sickish and spent yesterday in bed hoping it would give me energy to get all my Christmas stuff done in the coming days...yeah right. I'm headed back to bed now. Poor Henry just sits on top of me watching tv asking me every once in a while if I want to play. What a good kid.

But since it's been a while (again) and there's been lots happening, I thought I'd do a quick synopsis:

Went to Mom's annual Christmas choir concert followed by Chinese food & tree decorating at our house

Henry put on a show for me

I got tired of looking at bags of Halloween candy & figured Christmas candy would be filling the house soon so told the kids to finish it after dinner one night...Jason told me I had to deal with it if anyone threw up. The kids had to ask me many times if I was just kidding (I wasn't)

Had a really nice visit from Ali (who hadn't yet met Charlotte) and she helped us all decorate the gingerbread nativity scene

That's all I can remember right now...fuzzy sick head.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


7:00 a.m. practice this morning -I got Jack up for hockey at 6:00 a.m. - we kissed Dana goodbye - and off to practice. Dana arrived for the game which started at 7:45 with Hannah and Henry - because she had a feeling today was the day he would score a goal. Well... he scored not once, not twice but three times!

We were very excited and Jack was given a puck at the end of the game! Yeah!!

Thursday, December 06, 2007


Have we really not posted for 2 weeks?!
Let's see, cold, snow, cold.
Shovelling, skating, sledding, getting cozy on the couch.
There was a Santa Claus parade in there somewhere that the kids were in...I must have taken pictures...why am I so behind in this?