Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jason!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Eri!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

How much does Jack love hockey?

So much that after almost 2 hours on the ice, he came home and has organized a road hockey game with 3 other boys...and they are still playing.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Friday, October 19, 2007

PA Day

Hannah and her friend have spent HOURS working on Halloween costumes for their webkins...still no idea about her own costume, but they have created pumpkins, princesses, little red riding hood, dragon, Santa all in miniature. There was a quick tutorial on using a sewing needle and off they went!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


So last week Henry had his first field trip with preschool to the pumpkin patch...he had a blast! It was great for me too, this is the first field trip I've ever been on without a younger sibling to keep tabs on. Just me & Hen riding the hay wagon!

Jack started hockey on the weekend and is loving it! (sorry, no pictures - I'll try to take some this weekend)

Hannah has been busy making Halloween costumes for her stuffed animals but hasn't yet decided what she will be.

As for me, I'm down to only Saturday weddings from now until the end of the wedding season (which is actually quite late in November!) and am looking forward to a date-night with Jason this Friday! We wised up and called the sitter with more than a few hours notice this week so she was actually available! It seems like it's been a while since I was able to say more than 3 words to Jason without being interrupted by a kid or his work phoning!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

What's New You Say?

Well actually a lot. Dana had two weddings on Thanksgiving weekend so I ventured down to my brother's place near Windsor for the day (and back...). It was great seeing everyone and the kids had a fantastic time running around the farm, without any of the restrictions there are living in the suburbs. They played football, explored the farm, and enjoyed playing with their cousins. The weather was above 30 degrees if you can believe it. Everyone then enjoyed a fantastic turkey dinner, 10 kids and 8 adults - Dana was missed.

It was nice to getaway for a day, away from work, which has been so busy it's barely manageable - now that the hockey season has finally started, I'm hoping it will calm down a little. I'm also looking forward to spending an hour or two with my wife, which is always a good thing.

The kids are all well - Henry is in the midst of the terrible 3's....skipped the 2's, but he's making up for lost time quickly. Maybe we expect too much out of him, he is only 3, but man it's hard with this one right now...not sure if he is bored, maybe he just needs more activity, because whatever we are doing now is not working. Jack starts hockey this weekend - we just found out our neighbour is the coach - Jack is looking forward to it, so that's always a good thing.
Hannah is planning her Halloween costume - actually she has spent more time creating costumes for all her stuffed animals than she has on her own.

Dana gave me early birthday gift - an ipod - fun! It's one that I can watch movies on too!
Okay I better get back to work - see ya....Jason