Wednesday, August 29, 2007

House Reno

So we've been undergoing some exterior renovations (not without problems!) and they say they'll be finished tomorrow. I don't want to jinx it but thought I'd post some before and during photos...the after will have to come later!

Monday, August 27, 2007


Hey Nephew....I didn't forget to post your pic on my blog to wish you a happy birthday....I was busy scrambling your cute little face into a puzzle....!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Welcome to the world, Charlotte!

I was waiting for Eri & Mike to post photos of their new baby Charlotte Mary on their blog before I put any up.

Charlotte was born (very quickly) yesterday morning and she's sweet as a peach! I'm anxious to spend more time with her and to see Bennett with her, it's been a busy weekend for me with work.

Eri and baby are both home now and doing well!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Birthday, Lance!

And thanks for your help with the leaky pipe!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Been Busy

Had a party in there somewhere with families from the kids' was good seeing everyone before they're back at school...and the kids had fun too!

Then I think we already said we had Connor here for a few days while Jason's sister had Hannah. We kept the boys busy with the zoo, a movie, shopping, parks, Dairy Queen, was nice getting to know Connor better and nice for the boys to spend time together. When Hannah was returned to us, Ann's family stayed for a couple of days. Hannah attended a High School Musical party in there somewhere where they all dressed as their favourite characters from the movie...cute!

Hannah had a sleepover last night and is finally in her own bed without sharing it with anyone for the first night in over a week...she was asleep by 7:30!
I've had quite a bit of work lately and it will only get busier in September. Jason's back to work tomorrow after a week off, the kids and I will really miss having him around...especially since the pool's busted!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Trading Kids

Good news, Jack's cast was taken off today! Another x-ray was taken, and he was given an all clear, but he is still favouring that foot a little - might just be that he isn't used to walking without the contraption yet.

Sunday we went to Chatham for a visit with my family and had a great time seeing everyone, swimming in the pool and just plain relaxing. We came back late Monday night after two nice days, and we left Hannah there (on purpose) and brought back my nephew Connor to spend a few days with us. Hannah was very excited to be staying in Chatham for a few days and spending time with her younger cousin Kate. They will be bringing her back to Markham on Thursday. She doesn't miss us a bit! She kept asking us when we were leaving so she could get her 3 days in! We are having a great time here with Connor, visiting the zoo, swimming and the cousins having some boy-fun. Dana is out-numbered!

I'm on vacation all this week and enjoying my time off, I can't believe summer is coming to a close soon.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


I've been having a great summer! The kids are at a fun stage where they can do things that are a little more fun for me!! We made some tie-dye t-shirts yesterday and have had lots of friends over to swim and Hannah and her friend Amy put on a play for us last week (unfortunately, it was out-blogged by a broken foot!) She and Amy spent a few days making up a story, rehearsing, making costumes & tickets and asked our family and Amy's to mark August 1st on our calendars for their show. It was actually the stuffed cats who were the actors, but it was very well done...notice Amy's stage-lights! What I thought was especially funny was that Amy's older brother had a friend over that day and even he came to the play. I was wondering, "what's this kid thinking of all this" but it turns out he and Amy's brother are now writing thier own show...I wonder if we'll be invited!

Friday, August 03, 2007


Dana just got back from the Fracture Clinic....2 weeks - thank god it's waterproof!!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

She shoots....she scores!

Tonight Hannah scored her very first goal in soccer - ever! Of course I wasn't there to witness it, but Dana was and they came home glowing I must say. Her team only had 4 players on the field, one of which was the goaltender. The other team had 5 people on and 3 other alternates, so Hannah's team really had to work hard for 60 minutes straight.

I think she surprised herself, she described it like this, "so I was kicking the ball to the other net, and the goalie was like this (holding her hands out), and I thought to myself, 'well I probably won't get it in, but I will try' and then I kicked it and it went in!" Way to go Hannah!!

Jack has an appointment with the Fracture Clinic tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed that it's not broken. You can now tell which room Jack has been in recently, there are plaster bits scattered about...

Another Summer....Another broken bone....?

This time Jack. About 10 days ago he had a fall off the monkey bars at the park and fell in a way where we thought he just twisted his ankle. He limped on it for a few days, so we thought it was getting better - then lately he began walking with his foot turned outwards. Dana took him to get an x-ray last night and they didn't find anything conclusive - but they put a plaster cast on his leg because they want to give it time to heal and to give his foot a rest so he doesn't put anymore pressure on it. The doctor thought this would be a short-term cast - 1 week maybe.. We are waiting now for an appointment at the fracture clinic to have another x-ray done and to see if they are going to put a fibreglass cast on it. I do wonder how Jack won a 3-legged race though...

He isn't allowed to walk on it, nor is he allowed to use crutches - so strap him on because we will have to carry him around for awhile - which Jack won't mind...

The fracture clinic should really have a rewards program for us regular users don't you think?