Thursday, August 02, 2007

Another Summer....Another broken bone....?

This time Jack. About 10 days ago he had a fall off the monkey bars at the park and fell in a way where we thought he just twisted his ankle. He limped on it for a few days, so we thought it was getting better - then lately he began walking with his foot turned outwards. Dana took him to get an x-ray last night and they didn't find anything conclusive - but they put a plaster cast on his leg because they want to give it time to heal and to give his foot a rest so he doesn't put anymore pressure on it. The doctor thought this would be a short-term cast - 1 week maybe.. We are waiting now for an appointment at the fracture clinic to have another x-ray done and to see if they are going to put a fibreglass cast on it. I do wonder how Jack won a 3-legged race though...

He isn't allowed to walk on it, nor is he allowed to use crutches - so strap him on because we will have to carry him around for awhile - which Jack won't mind...

The fracture clinic should really have a rewards program for us regular users don't you think?


Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Oh nooooooo! This is unreal!! The clinic likely has a pretty thick file on you guys by now eh? Poor little guy...hopefully doesn't bother him too much!

10:06 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Social Services should be calling soon- better get the stories straight! Just kidding- poor kid. Although next year I would have Hannah wrapped in cotton wool!!

5:01 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I think the Frequent Fracturers' Club is a great idea. You could collect points which would allow you to buy helmets and mediaeval armour.

- Andrew

7:17 PM  

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