Monday, July 23, 2007

Setting a Record

I don't know if anyone in the history of blogging has ever posted this many pictures on one blog entry, but here goes...

It was a great trip we had to Maine, thank you Mom & Dad and Happy 40th Anniversary! Congratulations!

We had some beautiful weather and spent as much time on the beach as possible.

After a few days, it rained for a couple of days in a row. We took the kids to a Children's Museum that we had been to 2 years ago and it was every bit as amazing as we remembered. Henry was old enough to appreciate it this time and Bennett had a great time too.

We spent a couple of cozy days in the cottage playing games, watching tv, reading and hanging out. It was great spending so much time with my family. I really feel like I got to know Bennett better and I got to spend time with Andrew and Ali that I just don't get to spend during the busy Christmas holiday!

Our last night, we took one last beach walk and said good-bye to the ocean...we're hoping to make it an annual trip!


Blogger Andrew said...

Wow, you're fast with posting! I haven't taken my photos off my camera yet, but I'll probably do it today sometime. It was so great spending time with you guys!!! Love you lots,

7:55 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

looks like a great holiday- I am sorry it had to end on the note it did....all your family looks great, happy and healthy, but Dana, where are you...?

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to see the pictures so soon. We had a great time and the party was very special with our whole family there. Thanks for the gift. We're looking forward to learning how to use it.


1:08 PM  

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