Thursday, July 26, 2007

Small Wonder

For those of you who went to Maine - the show was Small Wonder....the little girl was a robot - get with it people!


Blogger the Pond Girl said...

WHERE on earth did you dig this one up?? I had totally forgotten about that show. I do remember the girl being a robot tho. By the way, your previous post about Sesame Street led to me surfing youtube for about 2 hours watching clips of my favourite part of Sesame Street ==> "Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School". Thanks for that.

10:41 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Man, I really don't remember this show at all, except for the name. Don't think I ever watched it. You'd think they'd make it more clear in the promo shot which girl is the robot. Am I crazy or is the mother the neighbour on "Married With Children". And am I even crazier, or is the girl on the right (robot?) Jennifer Jason Leigh?

- Andrew

9:15 AM  

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