Thursday, August 02, 2007

She shoots....she scores!

Tonight Hannah scored her very first goal in soccer - ever! Of course I wasn't there to witness it, but Dana was and they came home glowing I must say. Her team only had 4 players on the field, one of which was the goaltender. The other team had 5 people on and 3 other alternates, so Hannah's team really had to work hard for 60 minutes straight.

I think she surprised herself, she described it like this, "so I was kicking the ball to the other net, and the goalie was like this (holding her hands out), and I thought to myself, 'well I probably won't get it in, but I will try' and then I kicked it and it went in!" Way to go Hannah!!

Jack has an appointment with the Fracture Clinic tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed that it's not broken. You can now tell which room Jack has been in recently, there are plaster bits scattered about...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Hannah! What a superstar.


3:15 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Way to go, Hannah. Surprising yourself is one of the best feelings there are. It's right up there with contributing to a team effort.

- Andrew

7:23 AM  

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