Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back to work..

You know, after being off on vacation for 3 weeks and sleeping in each day, it takes awhile for ones self to get back into routine. On Monday morning I woke up at 6:15am, showered, dressed and put my contacts in my eyes – but I couldn’t see clearly – thinking I was just tired I left and drove to work, but it got worse, my right eye – couldn’t see anything. Left eye – I could see – a little foggy. I thought, ‘well I just need a coffee to wake up’. Tried that, didn’t work. It wasn’t until work that I realized I put Dana contacts in, instead of my own. Dana had a good laugh on the phone, so did my coworkers who chuckled when I had to look at my computer closer and closer as the day passed on.

Note to self; get a spare pair of eye glasses for work.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We're Back

This is where we spent the last week basking in the sun, building sand castles, catching up on some reading, exploring tide pools, boogy-boarding through waves, enjoying early morning walks, collecting shells, racing hermit crabs and just enjoying the company of family. It's a sleepy, nostalgic place that dates back to my grandmother's childhood summers!
I'll have to post more photos later, but needless to say, we had a GREAT time!