Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm Back!

Wow! That was a fantastic experience! My first day was the only day I had to myself, but I took full advantage...checked out my room, lay on the beach reading, swam in the ocean, walked around the island, bought the kids' gifts, talked to anyone who would listen (that poor front desk staff, I really am not used to having no one to talk to for a whole day!), had a nice dinner, took photos, then to bed early since I'd been up since 4:30am! The bride & groom and all their guests were staying at a different resort from me since theirs was a "couples only" resort and they didn't want to pay for 2 people for just me so I was actually half an hour away from them!

The next day I had a bit of time after breakfast for a quick walk along the beach with NO ONE on it at that hour! Then off to shoot the wedding rehearsal at a really sweet old Greek Orthodox the Bahamas! Who knew there was such a large Greek population in the Bahamas...apparently they came over during the depression and made a killing in the sponge business...this information I got from talking the poor priest's ear off while waiting for the wedding party to arrive.

Later we went to a private beach for an engagement shoot with just the couple. We scoped out a bunch of places since their resort wasn't going to allow a photographer on the premises...they apparently have their own photographer whom they insist you hire.

Back at my hotel, I had a nice dinner again, used their gym (all alone with my nice!), swam in the lit pool in the dark (all alone again!), then went to the lounge for some strawberry daquiris and entertainment (yes, alone).

Saturday was the wedding and it ended up being a 13 hour shoot! I snuck onto their resort a couple of times posing as a guest at their wedding and bringing only small portions of my gear. The whole wedding (30 people) had been instructed to treat me as a guest and call me Dana, never "the photographer" was the best reception I've ever been to! I was so included! The groom's father insisted I do shots of his moonshine, the guests all hammed it up for the camera, I was almost tempted to get up and deliver a speech! I really can't complain about my terribly blistered feet since the blisters are from shooting in wet and sandy locations...everything was beautiful, including the people.
Then today it was up early and off to the airport...for some reason the shuttle bus takes you to the airport 4 hours before your flight even though it's only a 45 minute drive...maybe so that you don't keep eating all that all-inclusive food!

So, if anyone ever gets the chance to shoot a wedding in the Bahamas, I highly recommend it!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

1 more day...

Dana is home tomorrow! Yippee! Everyone misses her, we are all going to pick her up at the airport tomorrow and can't wait. I hope the wedding went well today that she was shooting.
Today we went to Markham Fair with Nan and good thing she was there because it was busy, I actually lost Henry in the barn with the animals for a few minutes, luckily a friend of ours was there and found him a little panicked not far away. I started getting a little worried for a minute there, it was so crowded that I just couldn't see him anywhere. They wanted to go back tonight to see the Monster Truck show, but I just couldn't do it, they were cranky and exhausted and so was I - there's another show tomorrow night, so we'll see. I ended up bribing them with pizza and a movie instead...nice eh? Hey don't knock it, it works.

The kids are now in bed (all three) and I am going to watch Knocked Up - heard good things about it. There's a bag of chips calling my name.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dana Called....

She actually didn't work today - just a day to get adjusted I what? sunshine? sand? She spent the day wandering around Paradise Island, shopping, swimming in the "crystal blue" water on the white, sandy beach. She did have to be in her hotel room for 10 minutes to get a phone call from the bride and groom, then that's it. Tough day, poor kid.

Thanks to those who helped out with the kids today, I appreciate it. Tonight we went to Markham Fair - the kids entered crafts - Hannah won 2-2nd place ribbons, and 1-3rd place, Henry won 1-2nd prize ribbon and 1-4th place ribbon. Poor Jack didn't win any, but he just moved up into a bigger age group, so the competition was a little rough. We walked around the fair - Henry went for a ride on a Monster Truck - can't do that in the Bahamas.....

She left on a jet plane

Off to the Bahamas Dana went this morning around 5am...I'm excited for her - it looks like she will have some downtime to enjoy the beach, the many all-inclusive restaurants at the resort she is staying at. Lucky duck. The kids made it to school with their clothes on, so really I think I'm doing well.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Good Day, Bad Day

You ever have one of those rotten days at work? When everything and anything that could go wrong, does go wrong...I came home feeling just swamped and overwhelmed - but just after playing with the kids for a few minutes and listening to their (unending) stories, I feel much better and it all really doesn't matter, now I am going to take it out on my kids and squash them in a game of road hockey...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Who's ringing the doorbell again #$%^%^$!!!

My children are the kids on your street who ring someones doorbell then run away....actually it's only Henry - and he hides behind a tree big enough to hide only his nose. The one with all the ideas is Hannah, who is actually very well hidden.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jen Buter!

Apple Picking

We joined our friends for their annual apple picking day...we often miss it and end up picking on our own but this year there were no Sunday weddings or prior commitments and it was great! The weather was wonderful and it was so good for the kids to be around all the other kids. After picking we all went to a park for a picnic and some awesome chili (thanks, Brent!) and the kids played baseball and swung on this amazing giant swing. They're really getting easier the older they get. Jason and I sat back and visited while the three of them were off playing for hours! They sure will sleep well tonight!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mike!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Whole Lotta Henry

It's weird having two in school full-time. I really miss them. And the day is so long since no one comes home from school for lunch (they'd rather play with their friends!) so Henry and I have been spending lots of time together.

This is the farm we visited together and learned how cows pick their noses.

This is Henry's first day of preschool (when I spend time by myself at the gym!) He's really liking it and I think it's going to do him a lot of good being around other 3-year olds! He's been picking up too much big kid lingo.

And this is where I found Henry playing hide-and-seek yesterday.

On another note, a wedding came through that I've been waiting to hear about...I've been booked to shoot at the end of this month in the Bahamas!! Crazy!

Monday, September 10, 2007

A New Week

Hannah returned home safe and sound from camping. She had a fantastic time with her friend, and was exhausted - always a good sign, she went on a hike, swimming, rock collecting, bike rides and much more and saw some menacing Llama's.... Thanks Jill & Steve for taking her along.

Saturday night I took Jack and Henry to our street party, it's nice getting to know all the neighbours and meeting some new ones.
I did finally get to see Dana yesterday, 3 weddings in 3 days was a lot , I don't think I could smile and look happy for that long...Yesterday was my volleyball playoffs - we played lousy, we made it to the sudden-death round, and promptly lost. I really enjoy playing volleyball and am trying to find somewhere to play in the fall/winter. Today is Jack's favourite day at school, it's the grade one's turn on the playground equipment and it's also computer lab - remember when you actually had to get some nerve to play on the equipment with the big kids...? not anymore I guess.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

My Evening

I just shot a great wedding of my favourites! The people actually weren't that into getting their picture taken and they were very disconnected from me, but the venue was GORGEOUS and one I haven't been to before. It was a restaurant in Liberty Village - an up and coming area of Toronto - but apparently the restaurant's been there for 11 years! The ceremony was outside the restaurant in a little courtyard and they had a humanitarian minister - one I run into at a lot of weddings. All the guests just stood around them which I much prefer to sitting and the weather was beautiful. The couple had a great sense of humour and the speeches were actually very entertaining. Then, in honour of the film festival, the guests were each given a movie as a gift from the bride & groom that the couple thought appropriate for that guest...each one individually thought out and individually wrapped! What an amazing idea! What great photos of everyone opening their videos! Anyway, it's very late and tomorrow's wedding is in the morning! So I'm off to bed.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Another Semi-Final Loss :(

Jack's team played really well, but lost by 3 runs - 37-34! T-ball sure has lots of runs!
It was a really exciting game, with the crowd really into it, come the playoffs, everyone is really cheering, and the kids are really aware of the reaction they get from a good hit.

It was a treat playing under the lights too, we didn't finish the game until after 9!

They did great but just came up short - he did receive a trophy though and is really proud of it, and found a spot for it in his room, somewhere so he could look at it as he fell asleep...good little boy - now...on to Hockey...every Sunday morning you can now find me at Markham Village Community Centre cheering on Jack !


I woke Henry up this morning to tell him that I hope he has a great 1st day of pre-school, he turned over woke up and opened his eyes and said "and I hope I punch the HULK too"....I'm not sure what kind of dream he was having.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Semi-Final Loss :(

Hannah played in her semi-final soccer game tonight - what an exciting game! I am one of those parents - screaming and hollering from the sidelines, it's an ugly site I'm sure. They played great though, and lost on a penalty kick, 1-0. Too bad, but now Saturday looks a little easier for me, I wasn't sure how I was going to go to a Championship game of both t-ball (if Jack wins tomorrow night) and of soccer. It's actually even easier this weekend, because Hannah is now going camping with her friend for the entire weekend, so just Henry and I will go and watch Jack's semi-final tomorrow and cheer him on.
Saturday is also our street party BBQ, and Sunday is my volleyball playoffs. Dana has 3 weddings this weekend too, so we won't see much of her I'm thinking.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

2nd day of school....

Day two of school went smoothly as well. Jack stayed for lunch, which is a good sign, and he wants to stay everyday now, Hannah too. Hannah had a little bit of homework tonight, her teacher seems very nice and all is well. Jack brought home a certificate on his first day "I Survived the First Day of Grade One!"

Henry starts pre-school this Friday, can't come soon enough! I think he is really enjoying his very own time with Dana.

Little baby Charlotte stopped by for a visit, I still haven't seen her with her eyes open yet, pretty cute though!

Jack is now keen on playing hockey this fall.....ahh this kid needs to make up his mind already.

This isn't much of a blog post....I am reading a really good book though if anyone cares. The World Without Us is about what would happen to the world if humans disappeared, nature, the environment, cities, structures - what would begin to happen once we disappeared, would another species take our place etc. I'm betting on the Llama. Go Llama Go! Don't kid yourself...they would eat you alive if ...well I don't know, they do look like they wear those furry boots from the eighties...

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Back to School

Well, I think that went pretty smoothly! The kids were so excited about school that they jumped out of bed and in fact, Jack was waiting on the front lawn while I was still brushing my teeth!

They both had wonderful things to say about their new teachers when we took them out to McDonald's at lunch. In fact, Hannah's teacher was, "way nicer than I expected".

Jason's Dad arrived safely and Jason had the day off work so that worked out nicely.

Hannah's team won their soccer playoffs while I was out registering her for skating lessons.

Jason played his last volleyball games before his playoffs...but wait, his playoffs are on the weekend...and if Hannah's team continues to win, her playoffs are on the weekend...and Jack's t-ball playoffs are on the weekend...and this is the one weekend of the year that I have 3 weddings...Friday, Saturday AND Sunday...!

Happy Birthday Granny Gwen!