Friday, June 20, 2008

Haircut part 2

So I love it...Jason's not too sure. I think Jen Buter's comments are true that with a shorter haircut you need to play up your make-up and reluctantly wear bigger earrings...not 80's bigger, but maybe to follow!


So here's the new's not the cut that I mind, I think it's the fact that I look so much like my brother! Don't get me wrong, Andrew, you look great, but you are a man.
So what do you think? Platinum blond...the appointment's already been made for this afternoon!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wrapping Up

School's almost finished and the kids are getting to bed later and later. Summer is definately on its way.

Henry graduated from preschool yesterday and I was an emotional mess...I wasn't so emotional when Hannah & Jack graduated and I didn't expect to be this time, but when I looked around, it was all the parents whose last child was graduating who were crying. They played that graduation music too, you tell me who doesn't cry when they hear that music?! Anyway, it was bitter sweet, we've known these teachers since Hannah went there 5 years ago and I've met some amazing friends have the kids!

I had to include the photo of me with Henry as a "before" picture...I cut my hair even shorter later yesterday but I'm afraid to post an "after" photo...I feel I look a bit man-ish. I'm back to my natural hair colour and was pleasantly surprised to see less grey than I thought I would, but definitely I need a blonder boost to feel more feminine...I was getting a few odd stares at my women-only gym tonight.

Yesterday was also "Play Day" at the kids' school. The weather's turned cooler again so it was the first Play Day I can remember that they weren't out in the blazing sun. Thought it was nice to have some pictures with their friends before school ends!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

One more round...

Strep again. Yup, that's 3 streps and 2 sinus infections since December. I will definitely be talking to my doctor on Monday. Maybe someone reading this knows...I think I need my tonsils out. I've never had them out and my brother seemed to get a lot of strep & other throat related illnesses and having his tonsils out alleviated all that. At least I caught this one early so that by my Saturday wedding I had already taken 48 hours worth of antibiotics and was able to get through just fact I was in for a swim with the kiddies after the wedding last night! Maybe slowing down would also help!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Fun on the Farm

Eri & I had a quick field trip with the littler kids to Lionel's Pony Farm. It's a great little place to take the kids. They can feed the animals and there's always some sort of babies (this time ducks). Bennett got a kick out of jumping in the old covered wagon and Henry seemed happy talking to the animals!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Nancy! (well yesterday, it's after midnight!) And while we're at it, happy belated birthday to Ali too!

Got some photos of Jack at t-ball tonight...I really love watching baseball. I got hooked on it when I moved to Toronto and the Blue Jays were having a really good year.

Anyway, here's Jack getting some 3rd base coaching from Jason.

And here he is making the dash home.

He got to be catcher one inning...he was pretty good at it actually!

And hanging around waiting to go to bat.

This is his second summer playing t-ball and I don't know if he understands the game better or if his skills improved or if he just matured but he is way better this year and much more into the game! Fun!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Heat wave!

What a hot weekend! 40C with the humidity! It was supposed to rain with thunderstorms throughout the weekend but the weather was good to us and the only rain we saw was in the evenings (great for the gardens!) This was especially good news since my Friday and Saturday weddings were outdoor ceremonies! Then Sunday was a bonus day. Even Sunday morning they were calling for rain off & on all never came. The day was so hot and sunny that it was perfect for an impromptu pool party. At one point I counted 16 kids in the pool (plus a couple of parents!) Thanks to everyone who came and provided pretzels, cheezies, yoghurt pops, pizza, beer, watermelon, kool aid etc. I had an amazing time! But since I was shooting the rest of the weekend, I didn't feel like getting out my camera so I will have to borrow some photos from Jill to post.
In other news...Henry started soccer last week and Jason is coaching his team. I wasn't sure how this would go...Henry's keen about anything that gets you running around, but he also has a tendency not to listen. If I do say so myself, he was AMAZING! He scored 3 goals - one when the rest of his team was off the field for a head bonking incident! I'm really looking forward to watching more games this summer!

Sunday, June 01, 2008


If Jason could live anywhere, he'd live near water.

If I could live anywhere, I'd live near woods.

So somehow we ended up in the suburbs...but I keep finding more & more amazing spaces right here in Markham!

Henry & I went to meet a friend of his and his Mom at a playground right in the middle of a brand new subdivision...right near us. These new subdivisions surround our neighbourhood and it makes me appreciate the few trees I do have on my lawn. The playground is a pretty neat one, all the apparatus spins and is designed completely differently from the older playgrounds. It's built with that rubber stuff on the ground rather than rocks or sand. Anyway, the boys were having fun there when we noticed some paths leading into a treed area nearby.

I was so happy to find a beautiful walking trail through woods with ponds and swans. We had a picnic on a big rock and couldn't see houses at all! What a nice surprise!