Saturday, January 08, 2011

I think I know who's boss...

That's Murphy's DOG bed!!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

St. Louis Christmas

It started with the St. Louis contingent making the trek to Markham for a visit...13 people and a new puppy added to our little home...cozy and fun! Thanks to everyone for making the trip, we had a terrific time! Hannah loved the Mousseaus' new puppy almost as much as she loves cats! Her Christmas morning surprise was a kitten she had fallen in love with at the cat rescue where she volunteers. She's been helping out there for 2 hours a week for 2 years now and has never asked for anything. So when she started talking about Remy, Jason and I actually began entertaining the idea of getting her a kitten. Amy died in October and the two older cats were never really Hannah's own cats anyway. But the 2 things that helped sway our decision were our visit to the cat rescue (Jason actually came home in love with the kitten too!) and Hannah's Powerpoint presentation that she presented to us in the living room. I wish I knew how to post it here...she downloaded photos of labs with kittens and old cats with kittens and listed the reasons a kitten would be good for our other pets. She also listed chores she currently does and chores she would add to her list if we would consider getting Remy for her. Quite persuasive!
All 3 kids have really taken to the little kitty. And Henry's head didn't get flat again, he got a new hockey helmet for Christmas and didn't take it off all day - thank you, Granny Gwen!
Hannah was right about the pets, both seem to really like Remy and so far Murphy hasn't eaten him!
On Boxing Day we had Christmas dinner with my side of the family at my parents' house. We were missing Granny Gwen who was due to come this year but had a fall just before Christmas. She's going to be alright, but will require some physiotherapy to get back up to speed. But we were joined by Eri & her family and Andrew & Ali who only come every other year.
I've actually spent most of the holidays relaxing with family. I know that I have a busy January in school but just couldn't bring myself to spend the holiday on school work. I may regret the decision in a couple of weeks, but I got caught up on sleep and time with the kids! We went visiting my friend Nicola and her 2 kids and our neighbour Dorothy who moved away a while ago.

We spent a quiet New Year's Eve home with the kids playing cards and board games and eating way too much food! It was a really relaxing holiday. Hope everyone else had a good one!