Wednesday, February 15, 2012

PA Days, Busy Days and Lonely Days

We seem to have had our share of PA Days in the past month...2 in the last few weeks and family day coming up on Monday! The latest one was spent in the woods with 5 kids and a dog playing war. Murphy wasn't very good at keeping hiding places a secret! It didn't seem like an activity Hannah would enjoy, but since her favourite book series is the Hunger Games, she felt like Katniss climbing up trees and hiding from the boys! We all had a great time!

I've been getting a fair bit of supply teaching work both from the public board and the one private school I supply for (yay!) but it is sporatic and unpredictable. Last week I worked 4 full days, the week before, none. I often don't know until 6am if I will be working that day or not so I keep my plans open and fit in household stuff on the days I can. I do find that the busier I am, the more I get done. Take a day like today for example. For some reason I felt I was going to get a call and had nothing planned. No call came and so far I've spent my morning blogging, looking out the window, thinking how lucky I am to have the opportunity to have a day at home and listening to how quiet the house is...even the animals are all asleep! It's almost too quiet. Poor Jason has been very busy at work and doesn't have the luxury of too much free-time...I'm sure he's making a to-do list for me as he reads this! It just really validates my decision to go back to school to become a teacher. I'll look forward to more consistent work in the future but enjoy what I'm getting for now.