Friday, May 28, 2010

Overheard when Henry had a playdate with a little girl from school...

"I'm actually a girl too, they just call me Henry."

Did I not blog the school play?!

How did I miss posting photos? I guess there's just been a lot of end of year stuff going on...last Beavers where there was a banquet and reptile presentation (maybe I'll post photos from that one too!), last Cubs at Laserquest...boys shooting each other in the photos, last Guides is next week at a restaurant. Soccer starts next week and both boys' 3 on 3 hockey has started for the summer already. Last night was Hannah's band concert but I don't have any photos of that either! I have to admit, her clarinet ensemble was really nice...they played the music from Jurassic Park when they're flying out of there at the end...a nice piece without too many squeeks! But I do have photos from each of the boys' school play. Henry's was called "Jungle Party" and he had way more lines to memorize than I thought possible. In the end, he performed very well. I wish I knew how to put my video on the computer. Henry had to share the microphone with another lion who was quite a bit shorter than him as they said their lines together in unison. The mic was at the other little boy's height so there was an incident with Henry nudging the other kid off the mic when he realized he wasn't being heard. No injuries or anything, just an added laugh to the play.
Jack's play was Chicken Little and Jack was Chicken Little. For as quiet as I always think of him, he's not shy at all.
In fact, his teacher said he took on the role of stage director without being asked. He felt people weren't coming in on time so he would count them in right up there in the middle of the play!
It was a great night and a bit of a relief that both plays were on the same night. There was a total of 7 plays over 2 nights. Man, those teachers are busy!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dutch Waltz

Well, Hannah has passed the first of many skating dance tests, the Dutch Waltz. She got to finally wear the silver garage sale find from last year and looked spectacular in it!!

Congratulations, Han!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Dumb Clowns!"

So Jason & I were both feeling guilty yesterday since Henry gets left out a lot. I remember playing with Hannah and Jack a lot more. Henry must have asked me 5 times to play basketball with him and somehow come the end of the day, I still hadn't played. So we decided to take Henry for a walk with us. Just me, Jason & Henry. He brought his binoculars and we talked about different birds. It was really nice to spend time with just him and he has SO MUCH to say!! So out of the blue, he says, "I think Dumb Clowns would be a really great name for a song". would that song go? We got a 20 minute live rock performance the rest of the walk home! You have to imagine that any other words are sung a little quieter..."they hang around with you all day...they scare little 2 year olds...I love you baby..." then there's a giant air guitar action that has Henry down on one knee on the side walk and "DUMB CLOWNS!"

Monday, May 03, 2010


So Henry's Beaver's group went to a Community Safety Village. I had never been there and was so impressed!! They had to sit in a classroom first and learn road safety rules and signs from real police officers. The Beavers seemed pretty intimidated when they realized they were going to really drive mini cars on the roads. Their questions were "but what if I don't follow the rules by mistake?" and "what if I can't stop?" The police officers had a lot more faith in them than I had and just stuck them in the cars and said, "go". It was a miniature village with tiny churches, schools, bus stops, sidewalks, real working traffic lights, Tim Horton's and McDonalds. Henry's question of course was, "can we really go to the McDonald's?" But alas, most of the buildings were empty.
They took turns driving and Henry's partner drove first. It went fairly smoothly. I don't have too many photos of Henry actually driving because I had to keep putting him back on the road. He was all over the sidewalks! Good times!

Then this past weekend was Shania's Sunflower of Hope Fun Fair...the 4th Annual! The kids had a great time and it's an amazing fundraiser. The whole community comes out and you can feel that you're a part of something very special.

I don't have too many photos of Jack because he was off and running with his friend. It's nice that we know pretty much everyone means the kids have a lot of freedom to do as they please!