Sunday, September 20, 2009

I need sleep...

Just updating, not whining...
4th x-ray looks good, healing as it should and if all goes well, cast should come off in 3 weeks.
Hockey tournament this weekend was fun to watch. Crazy that they hadn't played any games together as a team yet, just jumped right into a tournament. Jack was glad he got out of school on Friday for it. I used to think parents who let their kids out of school to play hockey were awful parents...I've changed my mind. Unfortunately Jack's team lost all 4 games, but Jack played very well and I was proud of him!
The new job has been busy which is a good thing, lots of people interested in jiggling. Perhaps a few too many hours put in, but it was opening week so I'm hoping to settle into a routine now.
Transcripts arrived from the 2 universities I attended (the first step in applying to teachers college). Unfortunately, I wasn't as great a student as I remembered and I don't seem to have enough credits for a second teachable subject...I know lots about photography, history of photography, art, design, art history, philosophy of art, media studies and not much about anything else! Hmmmm....
Went with friends to their son's hockey fundraiser last night and am still feeling it this evening! Drank way too much, but I think that's the point...makes the cash flow more freely.
Went apple picking today with friends and then a picnic afterwards...great time! The weather's been amazing!!
Had a shoot today of a baby I was supposed to photograph before he was born (maternity shoot) but he came that day!! So I'm glad to finally meet the couple and their little family.
Trying to figure out if it's a good idea to hold a lesser paying job that guarantees an income but doesn't really allow time for the job I wanted to do that doesn't guarantee steady income but pays better. Having a hard time fitting in shoots when I actually get them!
I'm tired and feel like I'm not making a lot of sense anymore. Put in one last load of laundry & off to bed!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Health Care

It's unbelievable the things being said about the Canadian health care system in the states lately. Tonight on CNN there was a Republican Senator from Wyoming saying that in B.C. you have to wait 4 months to see your primary care physician then another 4 months to see a specialist after that. The Canadian politician's response was to say "No that's not true", yes in Canada we wait longer, but live longer, and "I get the same health care coverage as a single mother in my province gets. In your system, you get a very different health care system."

He went on to say "The fact is that Canada provides outstandingly good health care, and that everybody gets it. There's 49 million Americans who aren't covered by a health care program. So, when you start to talk about people not getting services or immediate -- what are you saying in the U.S. about those 49 million people?"

Sure yes I will wait longer, I don't expect to jump the line because I have more money than the next guy but I do expect we all have the opportunity for the same care. What's so evil about that.

You know maybe the U.S. should just leave their system alone, so any impatient Canadians with a ton of money can just go there and pay whatever they want to jump the queue.

What's Going On.....

Okay since I haven’t blogged in a very long time here’s a quick update on things going on at the St. Louis’

Henry is healing & feeling fine, I can tell because he won’t stop talking and he jumped on me off the couch (said he was a lion)…

Dana is one busy woman…part time job on Main Street, own business and still doing plenty of weddings, and she made taco’s for dinner the other night!
She also rides her bike to work each day (not the weddings…)

Hannah is a big kid in grade five!
She rolls her eyes at me a lot lately (more than usual), so I will continue to embarrass her at every opportunity.

What’s the deal with Americans and their health care anyway? I don’t care what anyone says, I would pay more taxes to keep Canada’s health care system the way it is.

Jack will miss a day of school for hockey this week. He thought he was going to miss the month of October for hockey for some reason...

We still have 2 cats and 1 dog…

Went to Jack’s baseball championship game on the weekend, and was completely disgusted by some of the parents’ comments, oh...can’t wait for hockey to begin...i hear the parents are much more supportive and well behaved....

Dana woke me up the other night because I was talking in my sleep about stuff I needed to talk to her about when we were awake…money/work/kids…as long as we keep those lines of communication open.

Work is busy, life is busy, life is good.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

This Boy Scares Me!

I haven't figured out how to bubble wrap Henry or it would have happened by now! He went back to school today & I asked his teacher to try to keep him from running around too much since his arm is still pretty fragile. She pretty much told me I was crazy! For 2 days after this happened, he was quiet and not himself, but I have to say, he's back and then some! He's got a lot of pent up energy & I've had to call him down off the playground, ask him to stop playing soccer on pavement and Jason caught him trying to play baseball one-handed.
The short version of the broken arm is he tried to straddle a railing around our deck (not really too high off the ground) but wasn't tall enough and ended up falling over the other side. He kept hanging on though and twisted his arm around as he fell. Erika was here and she & I took one look and knew it was was awful! Henry has a high pain threshold, but man, he was in a lot of pain. He broke both bones in his forearm and there was a big space in between making his arm look way longer than it should have. Much morphine & pushing & pulling later he was in his first cast but another x-ray showed is still wasn't in the right position. We were told to come back the next day to have them adjust it a little more and if they couldn't get it into proper position, he would have to have surgery. Much to our relief, he didn't end up needing surgery. It was painful for him and very painful for Jason & I to watch, but Henry is back in say the least!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Back to School

Well, 2 out of 3 are back...the one with the broken arm goes back tomorrow (not because of the broken arm). So far so good. Fall's looking a little daunting with Jack's extracurricular activities on 5 different days, Hannah's on 4 and Henry's on 3. Plus my new part-time job (yay!) on top of running my own business and still working for Reportage. We'll be spending our leisurely spare time making meals and doing laundry I think! But the kids were excited to get back and it was surprisingly quiet around here today!