Monday, June 22, 2009

Henry Graduates

Well, he's moving on from Junior Kindergarten to Senior Kindergarten, but they make a whole celebration of it...songs and diploma presentations...really great!

Henry was really proud to show me his work back in the classroom. The teacher made up books to show each student's progress throughout the year AND a DVD slideshow for each family of photos taken at class parties & field trips. A lot of work and time and I sure appreciate it! The best part is that the last page of Henry's books says, "My favourite thing about this year was..." and Henry filled in "lunch" - of course! Henry with some of his fellow graduates.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sharon!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

That !@#!in' DOG!

All I'm saying is it's a good thing she's cute!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Shaving Cream & Dogs

When; Last Night
Location: Bathroom
Participants; Henry/Murphy/Me (Jason)

After a nice peaceful evening - Henry was in the bath splashing and playing, I am shaving at the sink, so I gave Henry a big pile of shaving cream to play with in the bath - Henry pretends to shave all over, leaving a large glob of shaving cream on the side of the tub. Murphy walks into the bathroom - eats the glob of shaving cream - then jumps into the bath with Henry. Henry jumps up from the bath and yells "Murphy's going to eat my penis!!" I struggle to get a very big wet dog out of the bath and calm Henry down.

I asked Dana if she heard the commotion as she was leaving for the gym... she said " oh that's what happened? I did hear something"...

Maybe this is why I hate shaving more than once a week.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Quote of the Week

Henry & I attended Hannah's class Medieval Feast. It was unlike any class party I've ever been to. Instead of chips & cookies, they had roast, boiled potatoes, turnip, roast chicken, dried fruit trays, cheeses, all eaten with their hands!
Henry really liked the dried apricots and when a parent asked him what his favourite food from the feast was, he looked at me and asked, "what were those dried things again Mommy? Dried leprechauns?"

Monday, June 01, 2009

Somethings gotta give

I had one of those moments this weekend where I didn't have enough arms/legs or ears..

At one point I was trying to talk to a mother on the phone who was late bringing Hannah home for a musical that she was supposed to go see, we were trying to figure out if she could drive Hannah downtown in time (she couldn't) - then the doorbell rang - neighbourhood kid - I left the water running in the kitchen sink - the dog was barking like crazy and trying to jump over the baby gate blocking her in from attacking neighbourhood kid - Henry was crying about something in the hallway - and I was trying to get Jack dressed to fill in for Hannah at the show and trying to calm his wild hair into some sort of style that would be appropriate for a fancy show - I was tempted to put a ball cap on him - but I knew his mother would not appreciate that.

After that, the rest of the day was pretty good!