Friday, June 05, 2009

Shaving Cream & Dogs

When; Last Night
Location: Bathroom
Participants; Henry/Murphy/Me (Jason)

After a nice peaceful evening - Henry was in the bath splashing and playing, I am shaving at the sink, so I gave Henry a big pile of shaving cream to play with in the bath - Henry pretends to shave all over, leaving a large glob of shaving cream on the side of the tub. Murphy walks into the bathroom - eats the glob of shaving cream - then jumps into the bath with Henry. Henry jumps up from the bath and yells "Murphy's going to eat my penis!!" I struggle to get a very big wet dog out of the bath and calm Henry down.

I asked Dana if she heard the commotion as she was leaving for the gym... she said " oh that's what happened? I did hear something"...

Maybe this is why I hate shaving more than once a week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it!!!! So funny.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

sounds to me like Dana made a great escape !!!

3:04 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

HAHA, I'm sorry Jason but that's hilarious! hehehe
But poor little traumatized Henry! Well, maybe all of you are traumatized, actually.

7:31 AM  
Anonymous sharon said...

Yes, good call Dana. At the sound of screaming, splashing, barking, shouting, it's best to just slip out the door.

4:35 PM  

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