Friday, April 24, 2009

What's New?

Just in from drinks with my's not that there's not a lot going on, it's just that there aren't a lot of photos and that's usually the meat of my blogs...I don't know why Jason hasn't been blogging.
What's going on? Jack was in the school play last night, he was the main character "Cheesy" and sang a solo!! WHAT?! Jason & I agreed we would never have done this at his age (or any age I think) and we were so proud of him! There are photos of this, but they will have to follow later. What else...regular routine I suppose, Guides, skating lessons, piano, photo shoots, dog walking...have to post some new photos of Murphy cuz she's more than double the size she was when we got her...we're all loving her even if she is a lot of work! Puppy classes (for the whole family) start next Saturday.
I can't really think what else is going on, Easter came & went, a retainer broke & was replaced, Henry's teacher called me in after school one day to say she needed to go home and take an aspirin...she said he wasn't bad, just really busy...I was surprised he wasn't always really busy, he is at home!
Planning for summer already, Jack's signed up for baseball & Henry for soccer. Jack's also on a 3-on-3 hockey team as their goalie which he's looking forward to. Still haven't figured out what Hannah's summer activity will be although she's going away to Guide camp for a week and camping with a friend's family in Algonquin park too so it's not like she's just sitting around!
This typing is actually pretty hard after a few beers so I'm going to stop now.


Blogger Jen said...

Glad to hear from you- was beginning to worry (although checked Andrew's blog for news...)
Also, what a crazy thing for a teacher to say! Great! Honest, not too offensive, and funny!

2:37 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I don't really get the aspirin story. Did the teacher want you to take over the class? What does it mean to be "busy"?

Thanks for catching us all up again. The internet got really boring for awhile there.

- Andrew

8:06 PM  
Anonymous sharon said...

I can't believe even your summer is almost organised. I haven't got Tuesday organised and it's after 2pm Tuesday.

9:13 AM  

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