Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Our weekend in a nutshell:

Henry & Hannah were both in skating Olympics through their skating lessons Friday night. They compete against 2 other kids in their skating level performing a few tricks that they learned through the year. Each kid is then awarded a bronze, silver or gold medal. Henry was adament that he did NOT want a bronze medal...I don't know why he was so revved up about it, but I'm glad he ended up with a silver, he might have given it back otherwise! Hannah proudly won a gold in her group doing some fancy backward skating with one foot up in the air and some spins too!

Some of her friends were there competing too making it even more fun!

Of course we played with Murphy all weekend too!

Henry's actually getting quite used to her (he was afraid of dogs & we're hoping Murphy will help cure him!)

Then Saturday was boys' birthday parties...Henry's over lunch with some fun games, pizza, cake, presents and a pinata!

Then Jack's party over dinner with games, pizza, cake, presents & a pinata!

Then Sunday was back to normal...Henry had a hockey game at the same time as Jack had a practice then a game at a different arena. One of the Dads on Henry's team took photos. I thought this was a cute one! Henry's team won 11-6 and Henry scored one of the goals!!
Next weekend marks the end of birthday week with Hannah's party and the start of March Break!! Should be fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of "Our Weekend In A Nutshell" as the title to this entry, allow me to suggest "Our Weekend In A Nuthouse" as an alternate. What's the matter, you guys don't like time to breathe?


7:29 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Apparently not, but what do you suggest...postponing birthdays until next year? Forfeiting medals? Selling the dog? No, I'm pretty happy the way things are, nuthouse & all!

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're amazing! I don't think anyone else in the world could have juggled all that.

Jen B

10:00 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I actually know a couple of parents who did that birthday postponing thing. They're university professors with an only child, though, and somehow that explains it to me.

Looks like some great time, anyway.

- Andrew

8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey its amy murpheys so cute today it is her party (hannah) happy birthday!

10:40 AM  

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