Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A New Look for Henry

Our trip to the eye doctor today proved that indeed, Henry does need glasses. He'll only have to wear them for reading (AND PRINTING as he keeps pointing out) but if he's half as hard on them as he is on his body, we'll be buying a new pair every week!

Henry's been fighting a bit of a cold and since he was on the ice 3 times this long weekend, I decided today was movie day. He & I ate popcorn and watched Peewee's Big Adventure. I can't believe he'd never seen it!

The other 2 kiddies had "electives" today at school. They have them again next Tuesday and I must say, they're pretty great! They get to choose from about 8 really cool activities - 2 half-day or 1 full-day. Jack did cooking in the morning and woodworking in the afternoon. He brought home a really cool wooden helicopter with moving parts that's bigger than Otto! He didn't bring home any of the food he made, but I noticed he didn't eat the lunch I sent!

Hannah chose a full-day activity...circus! Not watching the circus, learning to be in the circus! Right up her alley! One of the Moms who chaperoned the trip gave me some photos...hilarious!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

amazing, learning circus in school? Why didn't they do that 30 years ago?
Need to see some pics of Henry rocking his new glasses, maybe doing some printing!

Jen B

9:39 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I can't believe you guys just got back from Disneyworld and now Hannah's joined the circus! When does she do the wood chopping and gruel eating?

- Andrew

12:05 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Well, there is one more day of electives coming up this Tues!

6:36 PM  

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