Thursday, January 15, 2009


I belong to this user group "" where people post items they're getting rid of and readers reply when they can pick them up. It's all local and some of the stuff is pretty good, especially for people just starting out. People are often getting rid of their appliances that still work, dishes, old furniture, fish aquariums, kids' clothes or a lot of computer monitors. The only problem with it is that I get about 20-30 emails a day so it really fills up my in-box. The only thing I ever got, after months of belonging to the group, was a pair of Mexx pants, but they're nice pants and I like reading all the stuff that's out there. Occasionally there are things posted that I don't think anyone would want, broken computer monitors "for someone who's handy and can fix it", coupons, broken lamps, once a "nasal rinse set" (I don't even want to know what that is). But today's offer was the best I've seen yet!!
"Offer: Turkey Soup Bones & Meat - great for making turkey soup, still some meat on the bones, pick up ASAP"


Blogger Jen said...

THAT is hardcore! Sharon would offer her used tinfoil and I would offer Mae's flower sculpture (media- unused tampons).
But I belong to something similar and I get an email once a day of all the things- maybe you could change the settings?

9:51 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

One small styrofoam plant holder, only a few coffee stains. Could be persuaded to include popsicle stick.

- Andrew

(Are they purposely making the word verifications more pronounceable? My last one was "licatine" and this one is "impli". I remember the good old days of wpirlkn and nbrocwb.)

6:32 PM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Hardcore, and a little disturbing. It's food! Ugh. Used food. It's like ABC gum.

-- jill

p.s. my word was 'reepti'.

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Jennifer said, you should be able to change your freecycle settings so you receive a condensed digest (1 email listing all that day's postings), or to get no emails at all, leaving it to you to check the site.
Sharon with the boring information.

4:32 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

The thing is, this person who posted this (TuffyCat), posts a few times a day, I mean really what does TuffyCat do all day? She must search her house for things to post, well she's at the bottom of the barrel now.

7:25 AM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Posted on freecycle today in Markham, "wanted: Chainsaw and chaps". Dana, this is the best internet site ever. I'm addicted!

-- jill

9:12 AM  
Blogger Pen & Rix Place said...

Very subtle, Jason; an undisguised ploy for more turkey soup.

OK, so the last batch was a bit skimpy, but, come on, free bones and stuff - pre-used by folks we don't even know?

2:57 PM  

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