Saturday, December 20, 2008

Here's What...

A quick update now that school's out for Christmas holidays...early in the week we watched Bennett & Charlotte for Eri & Mike to have a little getaway. The kids were in school most of the day which gave me some nice time with Ben & Char, but when mine came home, boy were they excited to spend some time with them! Everyone was thoroughly entertained!

Jack's class took a field trip to the Science Centre and I was lucky enough to be one of the chosen volunteers. When I signed up to volunteer I wasn't thinking how desperately I could use this day without kids home to get some much needed baking & wrapping done, but it was really fun and I'm glad I went.

Then Friday was the class Christmas parties. Henry was the only one who really wanted me to join him, but I snuck down the hall to see what Jack's class was up to as well.

And since then, it has snowed and snowed with another storm due tonight. We're not sure if we're going to make it to see Jason's family tomorrow for the one day we could all get together for Christmas this year. It would be a real bummer to miss it, especially for the kids. We'll have to see what tomorrow brings. But at least there was lots of snow for tobogganing!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So cute! Tell Hannah I remember her making the "no boys" poster when I was visiting.

Jen B

11:15 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Oh boy! Tobogganing! I can't wait to see you guys.

- Andrew

4:02 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Looks like you are having a great time- I hope you get to see all the family! merry Christmas!

3:34 AM  

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