Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend Happenings

Something strange is happening to the comments section, I noticed when I logged in that there were a bunch of comments that needed to be checked first...strange - I must have some setting on or something. I'll have to check it out.

The weekend was busy but good, Friday we stayed up far too late playing Euchre with friends - I forgot how much we loved playing that game. Saturday and Sunday both boys had hockey games and practices, at the rink and back 4 times.

Jack's team looks pretty good, his division will be playing with refs and following all the regular hockey rules - which will be a challenge. He is really looking forward to the season - especially when I told him that the league will be keeping stats online.

Henry, well I was worried. Dana took him to Parent and Tot shinny last week on his day off school - and it didn't bode well. Dana said he was flopping about, couldn't get up, didn't skate around - I thought a disaster was in the making. So on Saturday, I helped him on the ice, and off he went - he was all over the place, trying to keep up with the 5 and 6 year olds on his team, as he is the only 4 year old. He did really well, and afterwards said "that was awesome"... His coach seems pretty keen and the kids on the team seem like a good bunch of kids. All in all a good start for these two.

Hannah doesn't really enjoy attending all this hockey business, but then again, the boys don't really enjoy the figure skating so it all works out in the end.

Last night we enjoyed an impromptu Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixin's at Dana's parents. It was great food and good company. Dana also fit in a wedding and a family shoot to boot.

Now it's Monday and I'm looking forward to some rest at work....


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