Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hannah's Away

Hannah is at a birthday party/sleepover for a friend that she went to pre-school with. Now this isn't any birthday - it's a Hannah Montana (tv show for those who don't have 9 year old daughters) birthday party. This isn't any kind of birthday party either, because when I dropped her off there was a matching t-shirt for each girl - 15 of them! and a Greyhound bus waiting for them?!@? I have no idea where they were going - but the in the front of the bus, where they label the destination, it said TOUR....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you let her go?? What if they go to the Twilight Zone? Or does anyone know what that means?


7:18 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

good lord, Dana- whatever happened to cheap birthday parties? A bit of Jelly on New Years Eve and we were happy.....

2:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the same girl who gave Hannah a Barbie camper for her birthday? just wonderin'.
Hee hee, Karen

5:29 PM  

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