Thursday, August 14, 2008

Personal Bests? Whatever...I want to win.

Yes I may be complaining - but where are the Canadian medals? Day 6 and zero medals? Yeah yeah, personal bests in the pools, "I did my best" "i gave it my all" blah blah - don't go to the Olympics to do your personal best - go because you want to win. As for the government funding...either put money into the programs or don't do it at all - to me the benefit to providing funding isn't just pride in your country - I think the true benefit is for the kids watching the Olympics - being inspired to try.


Blogger Jen said...

Even though I wanted to boycott these olympics because of China's human rights records of course I am letting Mae watch them- you're right, kids need to be inspired. But I am sure she would be more inspired if Canada had a few medals- where are they all??! And is there really no funding for it? that sucks.

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love the stories coming out of China, specifically how they are controlling their population and editing the olympics themselves! My favourite TRUE stories (some are hard to believe, but they are real):

All cab drivers who were balding and had personal hygene problems were removed from the capital before the games.

The little seven year old girl who originally sang during opening ceremonies was removed because her teeth were crooked, the girl we all saw lip synched to her original performance.

All foods which included dog as an ingredient (yes, they eat dog in China) were removed from shelves before the games.

And my personal favourite...the fireworks we all saw during opening ceremonies were CGI enhanced, as the smog problem is so severe in the capital that otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to see them!



12:17 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

We're in second place so far for women's softball. Keeping fingers crossed...

Oh, and I heard hide and seek is one of the new sports this year and that Canada's a real hopeful for the bronze, if they can adapt their game to China's lower tree density.

If you think Canadian athletes are poorly funded, you should check out our standings in this year's Worldwide Art Competition. Ugh.

- Andrew

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm such a humbug abut the Olympics.
It seems like such a giant waste of resources start to finish. Canadian athletes aren't well funded, but so what. I'd sleep better knowing absolutely none of my tax dollars went to support a ridiculous concept like synchronized diving! Seriously, people compete at that? Oh, and badminton, give me a break!
Enough from me, I'm sure the ping pong qualifying is about to start and goodness knows I'd hate to miss that.

Jen B

7:43 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

You know Jason works for TSN, right?

- Andrew

11:35 PM  

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