Thursday, August 07, 2008

I'm Bored

Dana left on Monday and took the kids camping - I had to go back to work. After 3 weeks of sitting around, letting my brain rest - it was difficult to go back to work. I thought with the house to myself I would enjoy it - but frankly it's kind of creepy - it's too quiet. I enjoyed it for the first couple of hours, but after that I can't stand it, there's no one to talk to. I used to enjoy time by myself, but not anymore - it's just not natural. I find myself talking to the cats again which is pretty sad, and they never have anything interesting to add to the conversation.

Dana and the kids are home this evening sometime. I'm still in my bootcamp - it was tough getting up this morning and today's workout was really tough - I think I may have swore really loudly a few times during the workout, but about 1/2 hour after I was done I felt really great.

Did I say I have given up my big bag of chips a day habit? I still eat chips - don't get crazy - but just not the ridiculous amount of chips I have been eating for years... I'll have to get a Salt lick or something to fullfill my cravings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason, Jason, Jason...

You get up willingly at 5am every day and put yourself through hell when you're finally on vacation, and you don't like it when you finally get peace and quiet and time to yourself...which rarely happens I'm sure.

I honestly don't know what to say, I'm starting to worry about you!


11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean you've given up your big bag of chips? That tips the scale, what have you done to Jason?

Jen B

12:50 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Just to be clear - I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining - all is good and great.

I am looking for someone else to join me when I'm done bootcamp - who's in??

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the offer, but 5am isn't a time in my world, and hopefully will never be. I'm not sure our clocks actually include that number.

Jen B

7:44 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I'm in in spirit- would that do? And I agree with Doug- I would pay for a week to myself!!

3:34 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Good for you, Jason. I bet you're going to feel way better. I know how you could eat a whole bag of chips a night -- I try not to eat chips at all, because once I start, I can't stop until they're all gone. Like some kind of non-carnivorous werewolf.

- Andrew

9:31 PM  

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