Thursday, July 31, 2008

Busy Kids

The Balkwill family was here for a visit - we had a great time with everyone. We ventured to Centreville - it may be the last time for some of the kids - but really I think they could do it another year - it's a perfect place for kids - and you can't beat the setting anywhere - it's shady, breeze off the lake, and the ferry ride is enjoyed by all.

The St Louis' and Balkwill's did another kid swap this summer - Jack went to Chatham and Kate stayed here in Markham. It was only for a few days - but it was nice to spend time with Kate and Jack sure enjoyed his time. We took Kate to the Toronto Zoo - to a special exhibit where you can pet the Stingrays!

A good time had by all... and Yes. I'm still alive and kicking - 2 more weeks of my bootcamp - then what? I'm not sure - but right now I am loving it, it's addictive - I don't think I have ever had this much energy - I really believe what you put out in exercise comes back tenfold in your energy levels.


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