Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wrapping Up

School's almost finished and the kids are getting to bed later and later. Summer is definately on its way.

Henry graduated from preschool yesterday and I was an emotional mess...I wasn't so emotional when Hannah & Jack graduated and I didn't expect to be this time, but when I looked around, it was all the parents whose last child was graduating who were crying. They played that graduation music too, you tell me who doesn't cry when they hear that music?! Anyway, it was bitter sweet, we've known these teachers since Hannah went there 5 years ago and I've met some amazing friends have the kids!

I had to include the photo of me with Henry as a "before" picture...I cut my hair even shorter later yesterday but I'm afraid to post an "after" photo...I feel I look a bit man-ish. I'm back to my natural hair colour and was pleasantly surprised to see less grey than I thought I would, but definitely I need a blonder boost to feel more feminine...I was getting a few odd stares at my women-only gym tonight.

Yesterday was also "Play Day" at the kids' school. The weather's turned cooler again so it was the first Play Day I can remember that they weren't out in the blazing sun. Thought it was nice to have some pictures with their friends before school ends!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Dana, Henry looks really grown up! What a handsome little man! And-your haircut is gorgeous. I now realise it's your old haircut, but it really suits you. Post a picture of the new one-even if you shaved all your hair off you would look beautiful.

5:40 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

Aw, great post Dana. I feel a little choked up!


8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Henry cracks me up, I love how he's so casually strolling into the grad, hands in pockets. He's a cool cat.
I wish I could say my grey wasn't too bad, so jealous! All colour all the time on this head.

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, helps if I sign off,

Jen Buter

9:52 AM  

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