Wednesday, May 14, 2008

School Play

I'm so thrilled that both kids got to be in their school play tonight. They've been practicing for weeks and it was a great show! For some reason there's only a school play for grade 1&2's and for grade 2&3's. We get no Christmas concert and no other presentations so we save up all our excitement for this one night. Hannah's a little sad it will be her last year performing, but I think they might move on to recorder recitals in grade 4 - yippee!
Jack was a blow fish in his play called "Go Fish", the story of a shark who wants to make friends with all the other fish. It was pretty hilarious and Jack had some funny lines! It was his first time on stage and he was feeling a little nervous. He was sorry he was wearing shorts because he felt people might be able to see his legs shaking. Believe it or not, Jason made Jack's costume! It was due at a time when I was knee deep in other stuff and Jason was concerned I might not put the proper effort into the costume...he asked me how to use the sewing machine and then away he went! It was very successful! I'm very lucky, and so is Jack!

Hannah's play, "Bugz" was about a stink bug who wasn't invited to the picnic. She was a caterpillar who turned into a butterfly along with 5 of her friends. She also delivered her line very well and looked very graceful and elegant on stage! I owe thanks to another Mom, Margaret who made ALL the butterfly costumes! They were beautiful!

Eri, Mike, Bennett & Charlotte, Mom & Dad all joined Jason, Henry & I watching tonight. For me it was fantastic! I was surprised to find myself so nervous for the kids and so excited to see all their friends do such a great job. I look forward to the day when we can go watch Bennett at his first play at school!


Blogger Jen said...

Oh my god, what effort! And no black jack gum in sight!! Good work, Jason!

2:17 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Yes well - Dana made the hat for him, all i really did was sew a circle - the sewing machine doesn't like it when I drive it at top speed - who knew..

11:21 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

Wow - cool!

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That all looks so impressive and a lot of fun!

8:32 AM  

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