Friday, April 25, 2008

Off to Ottawa she went...

So....while the cat's away the mouse buys a new tv!

Since Dana left this afternoon for a girls weekend in Ottawa with Ryerson friends...

  • I forcefully removed 6 big stickers stuck (really stuck) to a 4-year olds skin, 4 on the arms, 2 on his face - ouch!
  • Planted 3 big cedars to block out the remaining view of my pool-pump complaining neighbour
  • reasoned with Hannah at the t.v. store after she told me that "Geez, don't you think Mom is going to be mad at you spending all this money" My answer - "she's not here is she!" 1 Point for Dad!
  • Went to Jack's swimming lessons, Hannah did homework while waiting there, check. Henry sat and played gameboy (-1 point)
  • Ready for tomorrow - swimming/hockey/swimming and that's all before 11am...
  • Now i will watch my big t.v., with a big bag of chips (double points)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much exactly did you spend? Wow it took way too many tries to type that, much wine & beer and has been drank.

Jen B

1:39 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

OOOOh boy, are you in trouble!! That is so funny, I'm not showing this blog to Geoff!!!

3:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wayto go Jason!!


9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A new television...that's total bulls*@t! It's official, Nancy can't go away with Dana anymore.


5:04 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I think you overlooked the future tense in Hannah's question. Good luck!

- Andrew

7:29 PM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Jason, I was there when the stickers went ON Henry's body. I noticed they were quite large....that's about when Dana skipped town and I snuck home.


5:51 PM  

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