Sunday, March 16, 2008

March Break visitors

I'm missing pictures from earlier in the week...Eri, Bennett & Charlotte kicked off March Break with a playday and lunch.

We had kids' friends here and there.

My friend Karen & her girls came for the day and we got to catch up while the kids played not-too-violent games (they saved those for right before they left!) Sorry, I hope Maddie's head is ok.

And then we ended the week with a nice visit from Gramps.

He got to come watch Jack play hockey this morning before heading home and Jack was really glad he came!

So how did March Break rate this year? Well, overall, everyone had a good time. The weather could have been warmer, I don't remember ever bicycling in +1C weather before, but we saw the sun and went for it! We fit in 3 library programs at our AMAZING new library and spent the kids' Chapters gift cards so books were a BIG hit! The visits with friends and skating activities were nice, but still I will be glad for school to start tomorrow. Something about lack of routine makes everyone edgy around here. It will be a real slap in the face for those kids to get up at 7:15 tomorrow though, they've been sleeping in until 8:30/9:00!!

Wish me luck!


Blogger the Pond Girl said...

I hear you on the 'edgy'. I've just got 1 kid, but she has been the epitome of 'edgy'. I can't imagine managing 3 'edgy' ones.


12:15 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Belated good luck! Hope it wasn't too much of a struggle. Jealous of the biking.

- Andrew

10:42 PM  

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