Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I sure wish we had "electives" when I was in elementary school! They're new to our school last year, but the kids LOVE them. They get to choose from a variety of activities - the morning activity being away from the school and the afternoon activity within the school. They went last Wednesday and go again this Wednesday.

Some of the morning options were gymnastics (which Hannah did last year), skating & soccer (which Jack did this year), dance classes, art gallery (which Hannah did this year). The older grades have different options - skiiing, bowling and I don't know what else since we're not there yet. I know one kid broke their leg last year skiing and one got left behind on the ski hill this year, so I'm kind of nervous for next year when Hannnah will be in the "older grades".

I went in to see some of the afternoon activities and take photos for the yearbook. Jack was doing Karate in the gym, there was a group in the library making books, some in the staffroom cooking and Hannah's group had animals in the classroom! They promise to bring different animals this week, but I'm wondering what they could possibly bring...they passed around a lizard, giant snake, rabbit, hedgehog and tarantula!


Blogger Pen & Rix Place said...

The kids sure look like they are having fun. Maybe Hannah can get a pet snake!


11:21 AM  
Blogger John and Sharon said...

That's amazing, putting the cool into school.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Holy crap- wish our school was like that!!! All we had was the 'we're not moving for anybody game' and getting slapped by Virgil!!

3:13 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I never realized that every school didn't have "Brotherhood Week" every week and sing "If I Had a Hammer" in the school gym until I moved to Ontario!

4:31 PM  

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