Saturday, February 16, 2008

Always Wear a Belt...

Happy Belated Valentines Day....I'll post some pics of Henry's party at pre-school, but first! It's me Jason by the way... I put out the kids clothes on Friday, either Dana or I usually do it before the kids go to bed each night. I put a pair of pants that I wasn't certain Jack ever wore before, but hey, they were clean, ironed - what else could you want. I guess no one noticed that they didn't stay up without a belt.

When Jack came home from school he said "Mr. Zinner (his teacher) put this string around my waist and said it was a belt" Jack had on, where a belt should be, red knitting wool, wrapped around twice because his pants kept falling down at school.

Poor Dana, I think she was horrified at the thought her child was told to wear wool as a belt, instead of noticing the poor boy's pants weren't staying up in the first place. But hey, it was Valentine's Day and the wool was red.


Blogger Jen said...

His owwn little piece of Kabbalah, maybe? At least he had his shoes on...?

2:44 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I can't believe you blogged that! Hannah and I are enjoying Montreal & missing you guys!

9:52 AM  

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