Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ding Dong the TV's Dead

My parents bought a TV 20 years ago, which I have had for several years now, it's one of those big things that sit on the floor, encased in fake wood, actually serves as a piece of furniture as much as a television. It has expired tonight, those who knew it, chuckled at it's sight, said how dated it was, but it served it's purpose. Jack was watching tonight as it, in his words, "made all these crazy lights, then the lights turned into a big 8, then turned off!"

A few years ago, Dana and I thought it was nearing the end, the sound kept cutting out every once in awhile - we were getting excited about a new television that didn't take up an entire corner of the room, one that had audio and video inputs, one that didn't make everyone's teeth look yellow, only to find out the cable connection was loose.

Jack asked what we would do with the old one, I told him, throw it out. He asked if he could keep it as a toy tv, when I said "no" he said "Well, can I smash it then?"

Well...Look Out Best Buy - here I come! Although, guaranteed the next t.v. will not last 20 years. Or maybe I'll keep it, and the new tv can sit on top of it...


Blogger John and Sharon said...

So are you letting him smash it? Him and a few friends and a few hockey sticks...

4:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great news! I must admit that I've always been a little bit scared of your downstairs television...I'm sure I've told you the story of how I got that scar across my forehead by running into the corner of one of those big console tvs when I was a kid.

Get a new HD LCD set, there's a big sale at Future Shop right now!


6:21 AM  

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