Friday, March 07, 2008

Success, Success

Well, that's 2 successful parties under our belts, one more to come tomorrow.

Hannah's mostly been planning her own, so that's helpful. Hers will be at home with High School Musical related games & activities.

The boys' party went quickly and smoothly! 2 hours isn't a lot of time for 14 boys (and one poor little girl!) to play, eat pizza, watch gift opening, eat cake & play! The place we had it at was excellent and I think everyone really enjoyed themselves. Hannah and her friend Julia helped set things up and keep things organized. Henry invited one little girl from his preschool who he loves. He insisted I buy her a bouquet of flowers for him to give her. She was VERY shy (no wonder!) but played with everyone nicely.

Here are some highlights:

The set-up crewHaving fun! Missing from photo, one shy little girl, 2 bigger girl helpers and one baby girl cousin!The cakes were meant to be tires...NOT movie reels!Saying goodbye to friends

Henry enjoying his new shaving kit!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved the pictures, especially the one of Henry shaving in the bathtub. Why don't all men shave in the tub? It would save a lot of cleaning up of all that stubble in the sink!

5:58 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Wow, that Henry's growing up a little TOO fast! And Jack's looking like quite a rocker with that haircut. I predict a couple of Casanovas in a few years.

Stubble in the sink is easier to clean than stubble in the tub.

- Andrew

5:36 PM  

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