Sunday, April 20, 2008

What's Up?

Here's what...

The weather has completely changed...we skipped spring! It's been 20-24 degrees for the past few days and just 2 weeks ago, we still had snow! It's bizarre. So it looks as though I'm posting really old photos, but this one is from Henry's field trip to the Maple Sugar Bush...just 2 weeks ago!

Then came Hannah's skating show which was great! The skating club had to create a story that involved about 100 kids at all different skill levels so it kind of jumped all over the place, but the main theme was "School Days". Hannah was a "Lady of the Court" who skated with knights in shining armour (the school was on a field trip to the museum). And her friends were fall leaves and snow flakes (both in different acts). It was a lot of hype and really fun to watch. Hannah did a great job! It was a little inconvenient that it happened to fall on my second bout of strep throat, but who can I blame for that?

Here is a photo of Henry at the park one day this week. The weather has changed and all projects are geared to outdoors now. We've been talking about getting a play structure for our backyard since last fall. We've priced them out and budgeted for buying and having someone build some sort of wooden aparatus for the backyard. We hadn't found exactly what we wanted yet and were still pretty shocked by the price of them, but we were within a few weeks of making our final decision. Well, as luck would have it, I was at my friend Margaret's house just yesterday and she said she was trying to figure out a way to throw out her kids' play structure. I said that was funny since I was looking to buy one. (I really wasn't hinting around for her to give me hers, really!) So, a few measurements later and suddenly, the plan was for Jason & Ludy (Margaret's husband) to dismantle the whole thing, transport it to our house and reassemble it in our!! WOW! They worked tirelessly all day and we are so thrilled!! Oh yeah, the kids love it too! Thank you so much Margaret & Ludy, and Julia & Spencer for giving up your aparatus! Looking forward to many more warm days!


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