Monday, March 31, 2008

Been Sick

I haven't blogged for a bit, but I've just recovered from strep throat...are there varying degrees of strep throat? Did I have a really bad case? Or is it always that awful? I only remember having had it once before and I know I felt awful, but I spent 3 days in bed and couldn't swallow!

Anyway, I'm feeling a lot better but yesterday, Jack suddenly had a fever and this morning said his throat was a little sore...uh-oh!

He had the busiest weekend of us all. It was the last hockey game of the year and his team won overall! He scored a goal although he'd argue he scored two. It was fantastic and at the end they brought out a faux Stanley Cup that every player got to skate around with...really great!

Can't even think what else is new right now, it's amazing how the days go by when you're not feeling well and somehow nothing matters, the phone ringing, unanswered email, everything listed to do on the calendar. Maybe it got done, you'd have to ask Jason.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh nasty- glad to hear your strep throat is better.

9:22 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Good lord- take it easy! I hope you were spoiled. It takes such a long time to recover when you have children, eh?

12:20 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Strep throat is awful. Always. I used to get it regularly and it made me borderline suicidal being that unhealthy. Did you have any hallucinations from the fever? I always saw rats running around in the corners. Or maybe they were real.

Anyway, I'm real glad you're feeling better. Hope Jack doesn't get it.

- Andrew

12:23 PM  

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