Sunday, April 27, 2008

Legacy Run

Hannah and Jack signed up for the 5km Legacy Run/Walk through school - what I didn't realize though was that they actually decided to run the 5km! Nan & Grampa were also running in the race.

I drove the race route last night - just to let them know how long 5km actually is - they were still keen after that, so I told them to stick together and I would see them at the finish line!

They did great - finishing in 51 minutes!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the blog. The pictures are great and I will want some prints. I found a website where we can get the official times but they're not there yet. I will give it to you.
Good job Jason for letting Hannah and Jack run on their own. They did great!!!


5:08 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Nice one, everyone! Sorry I've been remiss in checking out the blogs.

- Andrew

7:31 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

Wow, you guys are all the greatest!

7:31 PM  
Blogger EJ said...

Congratulations again guys. I was so impressed with you two Hannah and Jack. You did a great job.

8:51 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I want to know what Jason was watching on his new t.v. when the kids were running!

8:30 AM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Well done Jack and Hannah! Maybe next year you guys can climb the CN Tower with me and Caroline?! Then we'll do the 5K Legacy Run...we just need one more event to make it a Reesor Park Triathalon!

5:56 PM  

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