Sunday, May 04, 2008


The weekend is coming to a close and I'm headed to bed, physically & emotionally exhausted.

I stole a photo from the Contact show opening from my work's can see my parents in the foreground and me in a brown dress talking to my friends (who so kindly came to the opening) in the background. Jason's in there too talking to my boss I think. So it all looked great and I am so thankful to everyone who came! The show will run the whole month of May...I'm anxious to take a look at some of the other work around the city!

Saturday was the 2nd Annual Shania's Sunflower of Hope Fun Fair. I don't know the tally yet, but it looks to be financially successful in raising money for neuroblastoma research. With an added building this year and an additional 100 volunteers, everything ran very smoothly and all the families looked like they had an amazing time, I know mine did.

The highlight of the day was when the Mayor of Markham surprised Shania's family with a gift...they are going to name a street in Markham after Shania! It was a beautiful gift, there wasn't a dry eye in the whole place! It's really amazing what this little girl accomplished in her short lifetime and the impact she continues to have! I felt honoured to be a part of such a wonderful event!


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