Sunday, June 15, 2008

One more round...

Strep again. Yup, that's 3 streps and 2 sinus infections since December. I will definitely be talking to my doctor on Monday. Maybe someone reading this knows...I think I need my tonsils out. I've never had them out and my brother seemed to get a lot of strep & other throat related illnesses and having his tonsils out alleviated all that. At least I caught this one early so that by my Saturday wedding I had already taken 48 hours worth of antibiotics and was able to get through just fact I was in for a swim with the kiddies after the wedding last night! Maybe slowing down would also help!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Dana, that's awful. My sister Maria gets strep a lot too. The only 2 things I know you have in common are that you both live in Canada and lead really packed, active lives. Hope it stops soon.

4:29 AM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Dana! no!! Not again!

I remember when Caroline was small, she had 3 or four ear infections and 4 or five rounds of strep in a very short time. One more and they were going to consider taking out the tonsils....and then, never again.

I hope you are feeling better !!!!

9:00 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I say get 'em out. But just don't expect any ice cream. That's the one thing I was looking forward to, because I remember as kids they were always telling us you get ice cream after they take your tonsils out, but unfortunately it's a BALD FACED LIE! Ice chips. That's it. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have nothing than ice chips. Yuck.


6:13 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

My doctor said the same thing your doctor said, "it's no minor surgery at your age". He also felt that since 2 of my streps overlapped, I really only had strep twice & maybe someone else in my house has it and keeps giving it to me without showing symptoms...we had Jack swabbed and he's positive!

8:00 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

oh no! this is like a movie with Dustin Hoffman, and Jack is the baddie!! What the heck can you do!!
Sorry for being melodromatic, I have had two glasses of wine...

3:03 PM  

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