Monday, July 21, 2008

A very long break of blogging

I'm not even sure when the last time I have blogged!

I'll tell you why, it's been busy that's why. Geez. I started this post an hour ago and got through the first sentence - then I looked out my front window and saw Henry about to hit a baseball my way through the window.

What's new? A lot, I won't bore you with what I have done in the past month or so. Currently I am on vacation, and am in my 2nd week of 3 weeks off from work! They have only called me twice - which is great. We aren't really doing a lot on this vacation, the kids are really busy with sports and camps etc. and generally just staying close to home and enjoying relaxing by the pool, or having an occasional nap.

I have joined this fitness club - it's called CrossFit and I won't go on about it's philosophy, if you are having trouble sleeping you can read about it here. I just started this morning. The class is actually in Toronto, starts at 6am for an hour - so I get up at 5:10 am - leave by 5:30 be there a few minutes before 6 - home by 7:30 (in Toronto if there is no traffic - driving is fast and easy!!)

Anyway, little did I know today would be an excruciatingly painful experience beyond anything I have ever put my body through - that includes jogging and swimming 2000m a night. The warm up was painful even - the warm up was worse than a previous workout I might have done in the past. When I started the main workout - which consisted of squats and burpee's (don't ask) - I started strong and ended weak - near the end of the workout I began to feel nauseous. I have heard or pushing your body so much that you begin to feel sick - and I was almost there - I finished the workout and yelled "TIME" as loud as I could - oh...they time your workout against everyone else's and post the time up for all to see. After that I collapsed on the rubber mats, and sat in my little sweat puddle until I could get enough energy to pull myself up to leave.

In the car, going North on the DVP - somewhere between Eglinton and the 401 I started feeling nauseous again - grabbed my towel and held it close to my mouth - trying to stop whatever wanted to make an appearance. Nothing did - and made it home before anyone woke up, had some breakfast and felt much better.

Why am I doing this? Not really sure. I really wanted to try something that would be really challenging. So far, it may be a touch too challenging - but I'll stick it out - well I'll see... Oh did I say it's 5 days a week for the next 4 weeks?

Anyway - that is what's new with me!


Blogger Jen said...

Holy crap- that doesn't sound fun at all! In fact, it sounds like boot camp! Of course, I am saying this all in complete envy- keep us updated on your progress!!!

4:19 AM  

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