Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Stomach Less Pained...

Today's workout was much better, I think it may have been due to the fact that I remembered to bring a big bottle of water this time - yesterday I left it at home. The workout was hard and fast, now I am home just having breakfast with Hannah before I take her to gymnastics camp.

The people are super nice - everyone is in it together type of deal - there is one girl there that wears these white socks with the big stripes - you know the type - pulled way past her knee - anyway she's a bit of a strange bird - but other than that all is good.

I read Jen's comment in my last post - yes Jen - actually the program is called BootCamp - you think that would have clued me in, but no - I probably thought it said BoozeCamp.


Blogger John and Sharon said...

no no no no no. This is not healthy. And they are secretly recruiting for some underground backwoods militia. You've no idea what they're training you for. Get out while you still can.

4:27 PM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Hey, you leave my socks alone.


4:35 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

If it was boozecamp I would be the tutor!!

11:16 AM  

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