Sunday, August 10, 2008

Feels like summer?

Well, we're back from a GREAT time camping and with a few weeks to spare before school starts. We had an amazing time with my friend Jill and her daughter (Hannah's friend) Caroline. Thanks for inviting us, Jill and a big thanks to Steve (her husband) for setting up the trailer, hanging out to make sure we were ok, heading back to work for a few days and arriving back to pack everything up! We sure were spoiled. I could get pretty used to 5 star camping...I even brought my duvet! We got to see my dear old friend Nicola while we were there. She & Peter are expecting their first baby & only live about 20 minutes away from me, but it took a trip to Presqu'ile Provincial Park to get together with them. Peter's family's cottage is near where we were camping and they kindly offered to have us for lunch and a sail...hope we weren't too stinky! Turns out Hannah loves sailing almost as much as Jill and if you look closely you can see her doing some sort of stunt hanging out the side of the boat...I'm glad I wasn't out on that trip!
Other than that I've been shooting lots, my website has been attracting a fair bit of business plus the regular business from Reportage. Jack will be finishing up t-ball soon and Henry finishing up soccer. Hannah's in a half day camp this week - Junior Fashion Designer - which she's really looking forward to!

I've planned and packed in so much this summer that I'm really looking forward to spending the next few weeks getting bored...isn't that what usually happens in the summer?! Maybe a trip to the library or a walk to the park, some swimming in the pool. Now if only the weather would's been raining for 2 days now and the evening temperatures dip to 11! Feels like fall already!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dana, that looks great! I was thinking I couldn't cope a week on my own camping with the kids, but maybe if I had a friend around and a porter!!
The sailing looks very exciting!

3:06 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Wow, aren't our kids so lucky to do all these cool things! Sounds like a great trip and I guess your kids are getting old enough to entertain themselves sometimes-bliss!!

3:19 AM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Who said anything about the kids entertaining themselves?! Ok, I'm kidding. The kids were fantastic, and they really did a lot on their own, allowing the moms to actually get through a few pages of grown-up literature. And the occasional grown-up beverage.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Fun! Looks awesome. I wouldn't get too excited about summer boredom — it's overrated. I took a half hour off purging and packing today to eat some lunch and watch some TV, and the best thing on was a show about what ever happened to Charlotte Rae, aka Mrs. Garrett from The Facts of Life. It turns out what happened to her is she was put in a cheap studio and made to talk at length about what the show was like, for current viewers who are (un)lucky enough not to have seen it. Not the highlight of my day, is my point.

- Andrew

8:14 PM  

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