Thursday, August 14, 2008

So Eri & I went for a walk in the woods the other day. Poor Hannah keeps missing visiting her cousins because she's in Jr Fashion Designer camp, but tomorrow is her last day and the parents get to show up early to watch a teddy bear fashion show! I'll make sure I get photos! Anyway, the walk was wonderfully relaxing and it was really nice seeing Eri & her kiddies! We stopped for cookies by the river while the boys threw sticks in! Charlotte got pretty tired out from all that walking!

Then tonight was Henry's soccer. I've had to miss quite a few games lately since Jason's the soccer coach and Jack sometimes has t-ball games on the same night. Jason coached all 3 kids their first year of soccer but I think it took the other 2 the whole season to score a goal. Henry's a different kid. I promise you Jason didn't teach a group of 4 year olds this trick! I really don't know where he comes up with this stuff! It was a great game to watch and remarkable to see the improvement in the "Red Rockets" from the beginning of the summer. I'm really impressed with Jason's patience with these 6 kids! This was Henry's victory dance after scoring a goal tonight.


Blogger Andrew said...

Wow, Dane, those photos are REALLY great! You don't need to know much about Photoshop when you've got that good of an eye.

Where are those woods? Looks really nice.

Henry's shots belong in Sports Illustrated, seriously. He sure looks like you in the last panel of that triptych.

- Andrew

10:54 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

I agree, those are some sweet sassy-molassy photos!
I wish we could be there too to witness these things firsthand, but your photos are the next best thing. They are really ALIVE!

11:02 AM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

I'm pretty sure I recognize the park. Isn't it fantastic?


4:23 PM  
Blogger Pen & Rix Place said...

I love all the photos, but especially the one of the two brothers in the woods.

Save that one for Henry's wedding!


9:08 PM  
Blogger John and Sharon said...

That was just a great blog entry, i love the pictures.

2:55 AM  

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