Saturday, August 16, 2008

Nice job Tooth Fairy...

Jack lost one of his front teeth yesterday, I'll have to post a pic soon, but Dana's at a wedding, therefore I have no camera... So yesterday Jack wrote a letter to the tooth fairy asking where she lives, what does she look like and put his tooth in a container that Hannah received from Dana's aunt when Hannah was first born. All of this went under his pillow earlier in the evening. Well last night we were out at a neighbour's until midnight, having a few drinks - my neighbour has a keg, so, well - we completely forgot that the tooth fairy was supposed to arrive in the night.

Poor Jack, he came into our room in the morning in tears, "she never came, she never came"... We explained, well...made up...that because it was after midnight when he went to bed that technically he had to wait until Sunday morning for whatever the tooth fairy might leave. That made sense to a 7 year old. Whew...

That tooth fairy better leave big bucks tonight I'll tell you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

See what too many burpees does to your brain?


9:42 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

That's a good one- geez- try to get some sleep on Christmas eve for the love of god!!!

3:27 AM  

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