Friday, August 15, 2008

Crossfit is over

4 weeks done. I have to say it was pretty difficult, it surprised me how out of shape I actually am, I knew it but it didn't have to slap me in the face like that.

Would I do it again? If you asked me an hour after I finished every single morning, I would have said "No Way" - but by 10 or 11 am each day I want to go do it again.

Not sure what I'll do now - looking at somewhere closer to home, but still using the Crossfit routines on a regular basis - what can I say I think I may be hooked. This morning we did the same crazy burpee routine - 75 of them to time - and my time today was almost 4 minutes faster than the first week. I think I'll stick to the morning routine, I don't mind getting up at 5 - especially because it energizes me for the rest of the day. I do miss my chips though and I'm sure they are missing me.


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