Monday, October 06, 2008

Election Vandalism...

In the past few nights there has been targeted vandalism against people who support the Liberals (the common thread is everyone had a liberal lawn sign) - really terrible stuff - their brake lines being cut in their vehicles, houses spray painted etc.

Here's a pic?

My question is - Who spray paints in cursive?


Blogger Jen said...

NOT a 15 year old!!! Obviously a middle aged vandal!

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shawn and I were hypothesizing on who writes like that.
Female, middle aged campaign worker, for another candidate, with an accomplice. We just can't imagine spray painting then getting under the car, or vise versa, seems like you want to be in and out more quickly.

Jen B

2:13 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Dalton McGuinty's a Liberal?! Ai yi yi, I didn't realize that. Still, what's that got to do with the national election?

- Andrew

6:10 PM  

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