Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fall is here...

Sad day - the pool closed today...

Jack and Henry are starting hockey soon, they both had evaluations on Saturday to determine which team they would be on. They are in different divisions. Henry is in Mites - and was really excited to go, he skated pretty good, especially because he is with 5 and 6 year olds. At one point he got mixed up and ended up in the bigger kids group, no one seemed to notice and the coach leading that group probably was wondering why this kid was lagging behind all of a sudden. Henry didn't seem to mind, and just tried to keep up, actually that was when he skated the fastest. After he skated off the ice Dana asked him "So how was it?", frankly it could have gone either way, he said... "It was great! - when do I play on a team..?" Whew... and that kid is one sweaty kid - he was drenched afterwards.

Jack did very well too, and there are a few kids from his class this year playing, so he is excited to find out who will be on his team. There is another evaluation next weekend - then we'll find out.

Poor Hannah - she is not looking forward spending weekends at the arena watching her brothers play hockey - I told her "it's a good time to do homework".....I was given a 9-year-old eye roll...



Blogger Jen said...

I was in a bookshop yesterday and I saw this book of drawings where you finish the picture- this one was about fashion, and I immediately thought of Hannah. I bet that would keep her busy during hours at the rink.....

5:55 AM  

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